Mahiya Agarwal

Romance Tragedy Fantasy


Mahiya Agarwal

Romance Tragedy Fantasy

You and Me

You and Me

1 min

His soul awakened in mine.

Defines the art which I never explored

The art which I never thought existed

The stories beyond words

His hands trying to hold

Little things I missed in life

Happy faces did not make me sad anymore

Smiled a bit often

He in me, I was myself

Wherever ways took us

We went

Hope kept us alive

But love made us do the things

We never think could do

Roads which were meant not to travel

We travel


But with a heart full of emotions

And a mind with filled with new energy

The prayers showed me

Neither Love dies

Nor it leaves

It comes back

One or the other way around.

My heart always would belong to you

A part of me went with you

But a part of you would always be with me.

It saddened me all of a sudden

Woke up and thought you were not with me.

Undoubtedly, the best nightmare one lover would ever see.


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