You and I.
Memories and times,
Fears and despair,
Today and false tomorrows,
Of a past recalled and borrowed,
Together yet alone,
For vows made of stone,
For a love held and lost,
Of winters and frost,
We were like two roads diverging into the woods,
Taking a road never traveled by,
Somehow, that made the difference for us,
It's hard to stay at cusps,
Of spent Dawns and dusks,
Of blues and rusts.
Words and bliss,
Of times spent and missed,
In Betweens and almosts.
Of cracks filled and held.
Of holding on and letting go,
Holding against the tide and letting it flow.
Haves and have nots,
Hopes and truth bought,
Coins tossed and fell,
Montages built to dwell.
You and I.
Two souls walking by,
Painting our forever,
One day at a time...