Wisdom Unheard!
Wisdom Unheard!

Looking at the green and the blue bin the child asked me,
“Why didn’t we follow it earlier, there is no rocket science to it?”
I was reminded of our traditional Indian homes
Where we always segregated the waste,
The waste from the kitchen went directly into the cow’s plate.
Then why did this practice, disintegrate?
This surely is a matter of serious debate!
The Indian Rishis had already perceived this threat,
And wrote about it in our sacred texts.
Why, do you think they were so close to nature?
They loved Mother Nature.
They worshiped the wind, the Sun and Nature itself.
They knew if something is delegated to the status of God,
It will never be disrespected or left ignored!
But alas! Such priceless wisdom,
Have been left buried under layers of ignorance, wait
ing to be discovered!
We were swept away by the wave of modernization,
And got robbed of our sanskaras of generations!
And our ancient wealth became a matter of ridicule for us the "modernized!”
Is your heart not pained and agonized?
They had taught us “Trees are the poems written upon the sky,”
Didn’t they teach us, “Our deepest roots are in nature?”
No matter who we are?
Where we live?
What kind of life do we lead?
We must remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation.
Then why? Then why?
Then why did we let their wisdom go unheard,
and let ourselves be caught in this swirl and aren't stirred?
How could we forget all that glitters is not always gold?
What we have is precious; it has just dulled with time
We only have to polish it and it will shine!