maitreyee mal

Drama Inspirational


maitreyee mal

Drama Inspirational

What Is The Purpose Of My Life?

What Is The Purpose Of My Life?

1 min

It’s 12:00 am, I hit the bed and try to sleep

A plethora of thoughts cross my mind and makes me restless,

I try my best to shoo away the sea of thoughts

However, there was one thought which made me delve deeper

And that was, I never totally cared about my purpose of life ever

Have I become too complacent just by performing all my work as per the routine?

Because I never thought what else I am capable of delivering as a human being?

All my life I’ve been concentrating on how to get richer and popular

But do I re

ally have any other option as the world is so superficial?

A pretty face and a rich lad will always be the first ones to get picked over an all-time giver

I tried to please all but here I am, a broken and sad soul

Those little acts of humanity, kindness and love do go a long way

In whichever shape I’m right now, I believe my Karma is going to return someday  

Hence I realize, the way I’m leading my life where I am being unapologetically me

Is the purpose of my life and I shouldn’t get carried away with fancy thoughts

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