Fighting An Unseen Battle
Fighting An Unseen Battle

It was a usual day and everyone was immersed working and busy being visionary
Suddenly there comes a pop up in our mobile about a deadly virus outbreak in some far-off country everyone in the world grieves and prays for the infected patient's speedy recovery
Not knowing the power of our new invisible enemy we continue going on with our daily activity
Slowly the virus starts spreading exponentially and creates a situation of panicky
Quite out of the syllabus virus, so Doctors' name it COVID-19 because of its novelty how does a novel virus gets evolved anyway, ever thought on it deeply?
News, mobile texts, whats app forwards are all filled up with one common topic everyday
Reading & re-reading the spikes of the affected cases became everyone's priority.
More than 18000 precious lives were lost in the last pandemic, i.e 2009 H1N1 swine flu sadly,
maybe that was a wake-up call from the universe but why did we not get the signals rightly
though more than 170 countries are battling a common enemy our enemy is powerful because of its invisibility
I am certain that the day isn't far when there will be a vaccination ready
Just pray to the lord that it doesn't cost many lives to get everything handy.
it's so insane how a microorganism can halt everyone's fast moving life so suddenly
Amidst all the hustle-and-bustle we tend to take our mother Earth for granted constantly
Had we been too self-obsessed/self-contained that we chose to defy something so brutal smartly
we all fear death as virus attacks people indiscriminately
Still, some people think they have enough immunity to conquer it and thus roam outside with full energy
Although we all are carrying the sinful burden of some other country's casualty
but in the meantime lets just be strong & believe that mankind will survive soon and this too shall pass swiftly