What If My Life Was A Book?
What If My Life Was A Book?

I would be flipping the pages from time to time.
Skipping the bad ones
Re-reading the good ones.
Capturing those best paragraphs in the limbic system of mind
Leaving the not so good ones far far behind.
I would have stayed on the chapter forever,
Where only you and me are the most focused characters.
From Deepest secrets to rumoured gossips;
From Success to failures,
From Smiles to tears;
All are scribbled in the most magical way
Illustrating the beauty of friendship
that is forever meant to stay.
The strong desire to read it again and again
Compels me to flip and land up on this page
Every time I am about to reach the end
Because it's one of the best memories so far for which my heart
deeply craves
Because it's one of the best memories so far which my soul has ever lived.
And Every-time I end up here
I am left spellbound
Because the emotions that I feel are always the same
Because the friendship we share has not at all changed
Irrespective of all the life's policies and games.
The secret behind this foreverness is that in real life
We don't feel the need to communicate every hour, every day
But when there is a need to connect
We both know we are just a text or a call away.
Now you know
Turning back to the page is that easy
It brings back all the memories and emotions at just one flip
Only if there is a desire to read and to be read
Only if the friendship is this strong like the one we share.