What Happened ?
What Happened ?

Did a great job, so what happened?
Sinned and did good deeds, so what happened?
Grew up by doing wrong, so what happened?
Being merciful by doing miserable, so what happened?
Being human and forgetting humanity, so what happened?
To save virtue by forgetting gentleman, so what happened?
Became a road and lost direction, so what happened?
Became blind and became dark, so what happened?
Expecting to forget gratitude, so what happened?
By winning heart and did not care, so what happened?
The occasion did not become lovable, so what happened?
Forgetting the herb became poison, so what happened?
Forget respect by becoming an opportunity, so what happened?
Spreading odors by becoming a scent, so what happened?
Became a flower and turned to stone, so what happened?
Didn't know how to live life, so what happened?