Shruti Choudhary



Shruti Choudhary


To That Special Person.....

To That Special Person.....

1 min

Sometimes your silence speaks louder than your words, few but powerful enough to challenge my stubborn head.

 Don't know what is so unique you owned which attracted me always maybe you are the south pole and I am the North pole.

You are not a drop of calmness in my ocean of turbulence, you are an entire ocean of calmness, in a drop.

Your smile can't change the world but it changes mine 

I had always known the fact that sunsets are more charismatic and dramatic vistas, but be

cause of you, I realized the power of sunrise as it ties a ribbon of hope and faith around every gifted new beginning of our lives.

And whenever the rain of doubts try to fall upon my belief in you then it will seek the shelter of my everlasting and an unbreakable trust in you.

I am grateful to you for awakening my deep buried interest in music which is now an indispensable part of mine.

You are a beacon of positivity, optimism ... grateful for your presence in my story of life.

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