hi bye



hi bye


Those Winters

Those Winters

1 min

Never for once had he imagined,

Such delicate thing in his palms,

Once he blinks its gone,

Soft, white snowflakes danced down. 

His glittering eyes, 

Didn’t dare to close,

His face was ice cold, 

Feet stuck to the ground. 

Streets filled with chatter,

Hands in one another, 

The moonlight illuminating, 

As the night sky gifted joy. 

The fluffy marshmallows,

Gently melted into the hot chocolate, 

As the hands of the clock meet;

Cheers filled the hallway. 

Dumbstruck by the beauty of the Winter;

He ran into his home,

Swiftly into the arms of his mother,

And discovered some presents behind his mother. 

As his mother embraced him, 

He whispered;

I wish for this moment to be eternal, 

I wish for serendipity!

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