They Were Just YOU And ME
They Were Just YOU And ME

They were just 'you' and 'me'
When they heard the cry :
"Save me, Save me !"
It was the nation's voice.
There was no time to advise.
They ran, they shouted
They tried, they got killed
There was no choice
Revenge was the Noise.
They were just 'you' and 'me'
They were just 'you' and 'me'
Their blood became 'fire'
Newspapers do admire
They were called "freedom fighters"
Heros of the day, as the newspapers say
They used to laugh in wisdom
hey dont know it's a very long struggle"
That innocence in eyes of him
And hatred in voice , he was just 19.
N the laugh, very strong in vibration
He was the Inspiration.
Believe me!
They were just 'you' and 'me'.
They were just 'you' and 'me'.
Who made the invaders leave our country
The voice, the cry of the nation:
That knocked their hearts
We got the victory, we got the victory.
They were just 'you' and 'me'.
They were just 'you' and 'me'.