The Typhoon

The Typhoon

2 mins

 It went on pouring relentlessly, morning, noon and night.      

The murky sky looked disgruntled, with not a streak of light.

The raging, fuming breakers rose higher, and higher in height;

Hitting the rocks viciously, seething in anger with their might.

 I stood at the window enthralled, my small babe in my arm. 

Watching rain drops glide down, having their unique charm.

 Water had collected alarmingly in all the fields and farm,

 So Livestock had to be protected from the impending harm.

The sky had turned an unnatural hue, it looked a weird green.

 Billowy clouds were forming which were not previously seen;

 A booming sound reverberated, feverishly shaking the earth.          

‘Twas Nature’s Heyday; she’d terrorize for all she was worth!

 Mesmerized I was; lacking the will or power to move in,

I’d never seen such a

sight; the clouds had begun to spin!

With a thundering sound, the diabolic wind came charging,

The rollers advanced speedily, riotously they were surging!

The waves were everywhere; they had jumped up to the top.

They gobbled down our house. Their frenzy was hard to stop.  

Water flooded in, the walls caved, crumbled, and cracked.

 Babe, and I were floating, the ability to resist, I sorely lacked.

I tied the baby to the bed; I had hoped the wood would float.

The water filled her small body, her lungs, up to her throat,

I heard her cry; I heard her scream, but nothing I could do.

Till the last she had clung on to me; what use is now to rue?

I have lost my home, and my child; I’ve nothing more to lose;

I can make the sea my resting place, if that is what I choose.

I had clung on to a broken door; it had given me back my life;

 But the hurricane stands defeated! I can face all future strife.


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