Rita De
The sunlight
That shines on the wall
Is borrowed
The light however helps you
To seek the source of your light.
Where Does De...
There Could b...
The Gifts of ...
The Essence O...
The Essence o...
The Embrace
The embrace
Umpteenth times did I beseech you to come to me But you didn't comply at all Umpteenth times did I beseech you to come to me But you didn't comply at all
There was no one other than him all around to validate his work Not a single person to tell him h... There was no one other than him all around to validate his work Not a single ...
This poem is about taking down society's definition of a man and stand by those who deserve to have ... This poem is about taking down society's definition of a man and stand by those ...
One day you will be gone from this world, And when you do, my heart will break into a million pie... One day you will be gone from this world, And when you do, my heart will brea...
ya read Sartre, God? ya read Sartre, God?
I am so grateful for 2018, For making my Soul Connected to things, Which I never imagined, ... I am so grateful for 2018, For making my Soul Connected to things, Which I...
What shall I confer this time oh my heart in red blood - a number or a line of description as may th... What shall I confer this time oh my heart in red blood - a number or a line of d...
But maybe there is something wrong that I don't see but others do. But maybe there is something wrong that I don't see but others do.
This poem is about a person being suffered from silent treatment from the person he loves. This poem is about a person being suffered from silent treatment from the person...
The oceans rise and fall Full of themselves But not enough to swallow us. The oceans rise and fall Full of themselves But not enough to swallow us.
No, I am not made for numbers, And I say so after years of trying.. No, I am not made for numbers, And I say so after years of trying..
It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well
I can’t tell you how or why it happened, but I finally woke up from the illusion that I thought was ... I can’t tell you how or why it happened, but I finally woke up from the illusion...
I had to throw all those fake laughs and smiles. But my confidence and happiness (was) away a mi... I had to throw all those fake laughs and smiles. But my confidence and happi...
As we speed out of youth's sunny station The track seems to shine in the light, As we speed out of youth's sunny station The track seems to shine in the ligh...
His reminiscents turned into a nightmare, Parents' tough words turned into venoms... His reminiscents turned into a nightmare, Parents' tough words turned into ve...
Nice story... Nice story...
Strangers who give me curious looks in the stores, In the streets, rolling down their car windows... Strangers who give me curious looks in the stores, In the streets, rolling do...
The hallucination which showed me the best part of life. The hallucination which showed me the best part of life.
inspite of all my flaws Inspite all my odds inspite of all my flaws Inspite all my odds