Rita De
The sunlight
That shines on the wall
Is borrowed
The light however helps you
To seek the source of your light.
Where Does De...
There Could b...
The Gifts of ...
The Essence O...
The Essence o...
The Embrace
The embrace
I knew your love, I now know your hate. I hate that I loved you and still ache to speak with you, ye... I knew your love, I now know your hate. I hate that I loved you and still ache t...
You will never be at peace If they find their voice in you. You will never be at peace If they find their voice in you.
You start from the tree having thousand branches, Where caged birds hanging for their chances... You start from the tree having thousand branches, Where caged birds hanging for...
The poem shows how humans are destructing lives. The poem shows how humans are destructing lives.
But you will be watching me while I make all my moves. But you will be watching me while I make all my moves.
MY grandmother, like everybody’s grandmother, was an old woman... MY grandmother, like everybody’s grandmother, was an old woman...
With all the ransom paid, she left, with no tears With all the ransom paid, she left, with no tears
The young sapling battling against the wild wind... The young sapling battling against the wild wind...
Loving him was red, Losing him was blue as I become colorful till noon... Loving him was red, Losing him was blue as I become colorful till noon...
You become the best verse I ever quoted You become the best verse I ever quoted
Your insolent gaze was too high, so you were wrecked Your insolent gaze was too high, so you were wrecked
The Man who has seen it all, the man who couldn't die.. but has to bear the burden of the pain of ag... The Man who has seen it all, the man who couldn't die.. but has to bear the burd...
My life is a heart pierced by broken arrow, still I wanted to remain in the arms of my UNKNOWN SHADO... My life is a heart pierced by broken arrow, still I wanted to remain in the arms...
And what if I say you are a sanctified flower on a gloomy night And what if I say you are a sanctified flower on a gloomy night
The poem shows a helpless woman killing herself as she wants to get free of the blame. The poem shows a helpless woman killing herself as she wants to get free of the ...
No one would listen to me; I was loner than I thought, They warned me always, I forgot. . . No one would listen to me; I was loner than I thought, They warned me always, I ...
"I am floating in the deepness on an uncertain raft, Nothing is self controlled or curbed." "I am floating in the deepness on an uncertain raft, Nothing is self controlled ...
With this self-advocacy and self consoling Able to settle-down after some time Able to manage crucia... With this self-advocacy and self consoling Able to settle-down after some time A...
Ever felt an uncanny silence while travelling in a desert ? Ever wondered that it could be hiding bo... Ever felt an uncanny silence while travelling in a desert ? Ever wondered that i...
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