The Mightier Being!

The Mightier Being!

1 min

Oh My Sun! Illuminating the evening resplendently, 

Hardly witnessed a serene setting cast so beautifully, 

The pulchritude of whose reflections can be so enticing, 

You took away my breath and senses, 

Giving away sheer peace, 

To remind us of our obligation and duty, 

That we are here for a reason, 


; background-color: inherit;">And ought to serve a purpose without derision, 

The dark spell is transient and omniscient, 

Making us realize the short spell, 

Paving the way to a brighter and glorious day, 

While lending in unexplained inner strength, 

To endure, fight like a warrior and emerge victorious! 


I bow thee for the lovely evening that turned me positive like never before! 

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