Operator Spooky

Inspirational Others


Operator Spooky

Inspirational Others

The Beast of Iron and Steel

The Beast of Iron and Steel

4 mins

Summer fades again. As Winter's cold touch wraps around me I hug one signal ember of the past. Desperately trying not to let it go out. I know that it will not last much longer but I still try my best. As my eyes become heavy from the weights of sleepless nights that ember goes out and finally dies. I lay alone again cold and alone. 

Sweet warmth. The fire burns bright and hot. Hotter than it's ever burnt. My eyes filled with light. My body is numb and in pain. The marks line my body constant reminders of my failures. My eyes focus and the bars disappear. The stream flows from my mouth and out of the cage. My mind fills with flickering images of her. Steam leaks from the cracks and crevices in my armor. With her in my mind I know I can't be beaten. The bright light at the end of the tunnel and the roaring noise fill my ears. I kneel and pray for victory at the battle ahead but also for her happiness and safety. I slip into the darkness and stand. It is my time to lead them to victory. I would die on the barren ice for that win. Not because I'm greedy and want to win but because if I win I have the chance of being able to make her happy.

As my eyes open and the steam leaves my body I look for her in the stands. I see her and smile but then realize she's not She hasn't been mined in a long time now. The only place she is still mine is deep in my mind, but even there I'm starting to lose her as my mind forgets things. The cloudiness covers her eyes and face now. I stare where she should be and watch as she gets up and walks away. Her image fading away as she walks. A tear comes to my eye as I'm soon surrounded by people. I fake a smile so they don't ask questions. I lower my head and pray one last time thanking my lord for the win and hoping she's happy. I walk forward and never lookup. For when I do look up I want her to stand in front of me and look me in the eyes. But I know better than that. For she is gone and she has been for a while now. Deep in my chest where my heart is. Hurts as I remember her and her soft embrace. I pretend not to feel it and move on through it. Eventually, wil

becomea ae ma-an of stone and iron. What's left of a heart is replaced and protected by walls of stone and iron. If I kept them up for too long I'd become a ghost and fade away more than I already have. 

I open my mouth to scream but only smoke comes out as my engine still burns hot. The fuel seems like it'll never run out. I walk down the tunnel and sit on the wall. I take off the armor from my hand and upper body. I slide down the wall steam coming off my bare naked body. Tears run down my face and images flicker through my mind. Her voice fills my ears and I Barry my hands into my face. I miss her. She was my other half, the one I wanted, no; the one I needed. Tears streamed down my eyes and I popped another pill to cloud my mind and settle it down. I put my armor on and keeled once again to pray. Voices came down the tunnel running towards me. They were full of excitement and joy. The complete opposite of me. It was a young boy excited to see me in my armor. I looked into his eyes. He stared into mine and then hugged me. It was like he could feel what I was feeling. Then his words stuck with me and rang in my ears "Good luck 33". I nodded and felt a hand on my shoulder. I knew it was time for another fight.

 I stood and led them into another battle. 

Images flicked in my mind and her voice screaming in my ears. I looked to the sky and just yelled to get it all out. The smoke from my mouth looked like fire and when I was done I looked back at the ground. My body would kick into overdrive and I would go back into the darkness. Pain filled my body and was becoming unbearable when I would come to. I had been torn to part cuts on my body and sweat dripping down my body into the cuts. Bruises formed and swelled to protect the damage. My body had been torn to shreds and I said nothing. The pain helped keep outside thoughts out. I smiled and took off my armor piece by piece to reveal a beaten and bruised body. Steam pouring out of my armor as I undressed. I collapsed to the floor and just lay there looking at the sky. I closed my eyes to see nothing but darkness.

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