The Addict
The Addict

Whisky in his hand he looks at the bottle,
It’s half full or is it half empty he lifts it up,
To closely see how much is left of the nip,
He gulps down all that is left in go.
Sits there for some time, gets up,
He moves towards a patron his unwashed,
Unkempt, appearance an embarrassment,
The patron looks at him, tips him,
he smiles showing rotten teeth, that has
Seen better days, moves on to another,
And another, they all look at him in anger.
But tip him, till he gets enough for another nip,
He takes it towards a corner, then
Sits and downs the liquor straight,
Gets up and walks unsteadily,
Towards another bar, and once there,
He goes through his performance, the patrons
Tips him, and once again he repeats hi
s action.
This is the story often seen in open,
Bars, an addict makes his rounds collects his dues,
Goes through the same routine, same motions,
He is the first to visit and the last to leave
A bar.
One day they found him dead lying on the
No one to claim his body then came two
Keeping the dead body in front they
Started begging for alms,
People threw money and moved away.
The addicts counted the money enough
For the days' drinks.
Moved away, discarding the body,
Municipal van came collected the body
The addict might have smiled in death,
He had been useful for two addicted brothers,
To make money from his dead body,
For at least today they need not make
The rounds, of the bars for their drinks.