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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Miss Vashishth

Inspirational Children


Miss Vashishth

Inspirational Children

Students Life

Students Life

1 min

Today's Students are facing problems 

They need help, 

They are in trouble. 

Social media ruining their lives, 

Pressure is standing while holding a knife. 

They are alone,

Depression started manipulating them. 

Tensions are sticks like a cwingum. 

They have no roadmaps, 

Just have reality's slaps. 

Parents are forcing them 

To choose a career. 

Family restrictions are 

becoming barriers. 

They can't make decisions, 

They can see the society manipulations.

They are living in that world, 

Where only society matters. 

Even that society don't care 

If they saw people doing murders. 

Hearts of children are 

breaking at a young age.

Everyone is sad from inside

But still maintaining a smile on their face. 

Marks pressure is, 

increasing repeatedly. 

Parents themselves push, 

their children to bully. 

Some students are, 

ending their lives, 

And some are spending, 

their lives in dark nights. 

Corruption is available, 

on every side. 

How can you expect that, 

Students can live this type of life. 

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