Aditi Kharb
Children Others Tragedy
"Curly-locks, Curly-locks, wilt thou be mine? Thou shalt not wash the dishes, nor yet feed the swine... "Curly-locks, Curly-locks, wilt thou be mine? Thou shalt not wash the dishes, no...
Pease porridge hot, Pease porridge cold.. Pease porridge hot, Pease porridge cold..
Along came a spider, And sat down beside her, Along came a spider, And sat down beside her,
"Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?" "Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?"
This is the malt That lay in the house that Jack built... This is the malt That lay in the house that Jack built...
Little Tom Tucker Sings for his supper. Little Tom Tucker Sings for his supper.
Little Boy Blue, come, blow your horn! Little Boy Blue, come, blow your horn!
Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November.. Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November..
This little pig went to market; This little pig stayed at home.. This little pig went to market; This little pig stayed at home..
Cocks crow in the morn To tell us to rise.. Cocks crow in the morn To tell us to rise..
"Bobby Shaftoe’s gone to sea, With silver buckles on his knee" "Bobby Shaftoe’s gone to sea, With silver buckles on his knee"
"Little Jack Horner Sat in the corner.." "Little Jack Horner Sat in the corner.."
The Queen of Hearts, She made some tarts.. The Queen of Hearts, She made some tarts..
The fair maid who, the first of May, Goes to the fields at break of day.. The fair maid who, the first of May, Goes to the fields at break of day..
"As little Jenny Wren Was sitting by the shed." "As little Jenny Wren Was sitting by the shed."
And one for the little boy...Who lives in the lane. And one for the little boy...Who lives in the lane.
"Hey, diddle, diddle! "The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon" "Hey, diddle, diddle! "The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon"
Jack Sprat Could eat no fat, His wife could eat no lean.. Jack Sprat Could eat no fat, His wife could eat no lean..
One stocking off, and one stocking on; One stocking off, and one stocking on;
"One a penny, two a penny, Hot-cross Buns!" "One a penny, two a penny, Hot-cross Buns!"