Hey, you're now born
Drinking all the milk and playing with the hat
Parents or someone Have your steering
cuz you're a tiny tat
Next, you reach age 10
Got some friends changing your course
Sometimes you flow into or say NO to the force
6 more years ROLL by
Crushes, Breakups, or Studies take on
Your steering is with the distracting Horn
You are 21
Trying your hard to achieve a deserving earn
12 more years into life
Love or Promoti
on are an unreached cliff
Fast forwarded to 45
Your grown-up kids planning your travel archive
Now you grow absolutely white
Celebrating 100th birthday in midnight
Different people and conditions had your life's steering
But, something by DESIGN has a different comparing (Story)
Unique is you, Unique should be the steering's control
YOU must ride your steering
Keeping in mind
Useful advices and your S-W (Strength-Weakness) Scroll