Someone Like Her
Someone Like Her

Have you seen someone like her
Someone like the blaze of fire
She is not a glow of the lamp
She is not a glow worm too
But there she walks
Time and again
She is the fire in herself
If it is just around, She just...
Burn and spread her warmth and
luminous joy every where
Have you seen my friends any where
A woman like the red-hot iron
Who sparkles and let out light
A woman like a fire ...bowl
Walking with her heart trampled
Over and over again letting it just happening to her ....
But when it reaches unto the brim
She just pours out as lava
Oh, such a woman like a hearth
In fire ...
Who don't let out tears
But just burn in it and shine over the world.
Like a storm, or a wick in storm
That burns inside out
Alone aloof a woman
Woman full of fire or fire woman
Is the maple canopy of autumn
Red orange,
Woman who blooms
like a blossom of roses.
A woman beautiful
With wine red lips and dark Khol eyes
Struggling to handle the pain in her heart
Heaving through her breasts
My woman...such a fire and passion
Hidden in her marrow and hips
A woman with her head full of madness
Crazy with hibiscus on her and just alone so aloof a woman
A woman in the breeze a woman like desert deserted wind
So free spirited in her soul
Her fire in her and fire around
Her joins to bring lightening in those seek
Oh, she is the fire pit in very many hearts
Such an enchantress who touches awake the passion right from heart through
Any spine and then burn in glory
She is a storm or a fire of storm
The lonely woman who fights her way ahead
Is storm
Is fire in storm
My friend storm fire and fire blaze
Sun star and volcano
A lonely woman ...
A stormy woman.
Of fire and passion