Strangers For A Lifetime
Strangers For A Lifetime
The beautiful epic of you and me which is half written
Oh, my love let us get it over in such a beautiful twist and once and for all
Let us be strangers once again
Let me not build castles of my hope upon you and let you never look up unto me
With eyes haunting hooking and mesmerizing anymore not anymore
Memories stay of such alluring dazzling moments we shared
But that note of string broken is best to be left so ...ardent and fervent
Fervid though
ts of each other are unique but when it becomes a heaviness in the bosom it is better forgotten than remembered.
This day this night let us become strangers once again
I know you not neither you recognize my coziness looming around you.
It is such a soft sonnet yet my love
Let us break it open and let the soul
Of passion fly away like birds seeking freedom in Northern sky
Let us my love
Become strangers for this lifetime
Once again just once more.