She Flew High
She Flew High
Longingly, her wet drenched eyes gazed
The silky white cloud’s floating in the sky
Crouched in the darkest corner of her house
Numb she sat, chained with heavy shackles
Since the very first day of her marriage
Imprisoned was she this way once for all
Never allowed to see a friend or relative
Alone she weathered every day, bit by bit.
Only because of the love for her children
Tied to this eternal slavery she suffered
A million abuses, physical, mental tortures
Silently, half-dead, she swallowed her tears.
Her sleeping wings suddenly fluttered one day
Breaking all the rusted shackles, she
rose high
Half naked was she, still, she ran into the open road
Little bothered, about the heartless world around.
Weakened was she by the harsh tentacle’s weight
Still wobbling, stumbling, crawling she lumbered
Impossible was it for her to climb the heights
Still, grid determination for her freedom she moved
Finally reaching the peak she stopped, stood and turned
Oh! What a wonderful sight it was, that met her eyes
Hundreds of women were climbing the path just behind her
She a leader, had shown the path for all the chained ones.
(This poem is dedicated to Ms. Flavia Gloria, the greatest women who came out of her domestic violence, became a lawyer and helped hundreds of women to come out of the slavery of domestic violence)