Selfless Love
Selfless Love

You were planted in my lines gently
To let me build the castle of love one last time
Yes on that star studded night you had come by my side
To help me gather those crystals of sand
That lay scattered glittering everywhere
It never occurred.
If my castle would stand like the sky or the sea
Or would cease with the storm or the waves
We did build one, a magical one
And my spelled heart found its solace
I started walking in the clouds leaving the land
Where I had assembled my own universe
Where you were the
Sun and I the Moon
I would long to embrace you
To satiate my nerves that desired
To smell your fragrance
Or feel the gentle touch
And when that day, I raised my hands
To feel your love or so I thought.
Before I could escape
You had burned me alive
And with that you thought my love too had gone astray
Yet I my bygone was not that soon
Those grey ashes still breathed love
And desired to flutter with the breeze
To soften with the clouds
So that my last touch of love could
Somehow reach!