Seasons Of Life
Seasons Of Life
Life was dark, without a spark
No one cared if she was scared
Was it a challenge or a test?
She waited for them but no one turned up
Not even the ones who were expected at least once.
It was a pain
That could turn a person insane
But there was a support
That no one else could afford
She felt like a helpless child
Who could not write
The one who could not express
But was under unbearable stress.
One day she realized
But didn’t know if she was right
That there is always sunlight
After a dark and fearful night.
To make her realize
There were some spies
Who noticed her day and night.
She could sense hope in their pain
To see their child get up again
They had a wish to make her smile
That they had tried all the while.
A voice came from within her
To start her journey again
It’s never too late to fight back and win.
She came over her fears
She came over her tears
It was the best achievement in her life
And she could survive.
Whenever she faces challenges in life
She never questions, “WHY ME?”
She always says, “TRY ME!”