Restless Night...

Restless Night...

1 min

I have been lying on this bed for a long time

My eyes wide open, waiting for some unknown sign

So many thoughts are rushing through my head

All the things anyone has ever said

And I am trying to find a solution to every problem that ever existed

Realizing, how much the world we live in, is twisted

I have also been to a farm where I‘ve counted a lot of sheep

In hope to find my misplaced sleep

What the hell is even keeping me awake?

I think I’ll just give my mind a break

Ok that’s not helping at all

Maybe I could just give someone a call…

I think I am going insane

The enemy of my sleep is my own brain

It’s the thought of what could have been or what just might!

Guess I’ll have to figure it out tossing and turning through this restless night

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