Thejasri Narayanan

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Thejasri Narayanan

Abstract Classics Inspirational

Pieces Of Gratitude!!!

Pieces Of Gratitude!!!

1 min

You teacher, came as a friend in disguise,

Made all the stumbling words to meaningful phrases,

Put on a glow to the pale faces,

Not as an interpreter of academic books-but

As an interpreter of life-long golden books!

Never missed a soul to caress into your careful feathers,

We are the stars in your sky, and 

It's you who've taught us to twinkle in the engulfing dark nights...

Made us think about how to think,

And the joy doubles at the moment you turn as a kid spending the time with us!!!!!

It doesn't come with money, rules, force...You bring it with magic!

The stick you hold is not a stick, it's a magic wand that could straighten the curves in our life path!!!!!

When you dedicated this whole life to us, with a few pieces of gratitude, This is my dedication! :)


#Teacher's Day

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