
Petrichor is the smell of the soil after it rains on parched Earth. It soothes the soul, so that is the idea behind this poem.
I found a story to be read,
Hidden inside a locked cell,
Beneath the sheets that were shred,
Leaving the world with none to tell.
The words seemed familiar,
So did the incidents I found,
I wondered if mine were similar,
I decided to avoid going around.
Deep inside I wished it was a call,
To pursue my journey like before,
To make me stand when I could fall,
To soothe my soul like a petrichor.
Somewhere far away a dream was born,
A dream of hopes, faith, and fame,
As it grew, odds pulled it to be torn,
Somewhere far away I heard a name.
The name seemed familiar,
So did the hopes I found,
I wondered if mine were similar,
I decided to avoid going around.
Deep inside I wished it was a call,
To pursue my journey like before,
To make me stand when I could fall,
To soothe my soul like a petrichor.
The joys, the screams, the tears, the glee,
The rising and falling of a warrior,
I pictured the moments trying to flee,
Crossing time beyond every barrier.
The warrior seemed familiar,
So did the moments I watched,
I wondered if mine were similar,
I decided to avoid going around.
Deep inside I wished it was a call,
To pursue my journey like before,
To make me stand when I could fall,
To soothe my soul like a petrichor.
The night witnessed secret whispers,
Which haunted through silent echoes,
Trying to heal invisible blisters,
Awake to differentiate friends and foes.
The whispers and night seemed familiar,
So did the
blisters I found,
I wondered if mine were similar,
I decided to avoid going around.
Deep inside I wished it was a call,
To pursue my journey like before,
To make me stand when I could fall,
To soothe my soul like a petrichor.
The innocence and corners of childhood,
Seeming far away into a far off world,
The journeys and battles of adulthood,
Ready to plunge being whirled.
The corners of the world seemed familiar,
So did the journeys and battles I found,
I wondered if mine were similar,
I decided to avoid going around.
Deep inside I wished it was a call,
To pursue my journey like before,
To make me stand when I could fall,
To soothe my soul like a petrichor.
Somewhere unsaid goodbyes followed,
Choked gulps and unacknowledged love,
Stabs and pain inside that hollowed,
Hearts that wished to remain above.
The love and pain seemed familiar,
So did the hearts and wishes I found,
I wondered if mine were similar,
I decided to avoid going around.
Deep inside I wished it was a call,
To pursue my journey like before,
To make me stand when I could fall,
To soothe my soul like a petrichor.
The uncertainties and mysteries that remained,
The baffled attempts to find the clues,
The rains, the chills, the miracles, the faith refrained,
A warrior from giving up in the blues.
The mysteries seemed familiar,
So did the faith and miracles I found,
I wondered if mine were similar,
I decided to avoid going around.
Deep inside I still wish there is a call,
To pursue my journey like before,
To make me stand when I could fall,
To soothe my soul like a petrichor.