Shweta Sharma

Drama Fantasy


Shweta Sharma

Drama Fantasy

One last time I cried

One last time I cried

1 min

When I was tired of trying...

When I was tired of crying...

And for one last time I cried...

There were days ..when eyes lit up at a glance..

To see you my heart never wanted to miss a chance. 

Losing you is an unending heartache

This all is a game wherein only emotions are at stake

Seems like uncontrollable tide...

And for one last time I cried...

This story is not new,

People who get long lasting relationship are very few

With time....we... people .... change...

This trend is not at all strange..

Where the fault lies...we cannot blame

There was nothing mine which I can claim...

Harder and harder I have tried..

And for one last time I cried....

And for one last time I cried....

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