

1 min

What an IRONY????

Living like we are here for centuries

our wings of desires knows no boundaries..

Ultimate truth is the agony!!

Materialism still playing the symphony..

What an IRONY????

Priorities owes to persona defined by attitude..

Aversion to introspection dominates the fortress of gratitude..

Empathy nowhere to find in the heart..

In this fast developing world we are actually growing smart..

In the survival of fittest..emotions plays no part..

Pragmatism is the newly defined modern art..

we love the person who ignore us..

ignore those who loves us..

Overshadowing our own soul..

By letting in the uninvited guest "EGO" to stroll..

Isn't it IRONICAL????

But this should not be the climax of life's chronicle..

Gather the courage to confront the ego clashes..

Be the "PHOENIX" and rise again from the ashes..

Always follow the path of the heart..

For that you need not be smart..

Drench your soul in the shower of God's grace..

whatever you receive in life always embrace..

Walk ahead and leave the golden trace..

SWIFTLY you will win the ongoing inner race..

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