Objectify Me
Objectify Me

Objectify me!
No, I’m not telling you,
I’m just asking you,
As that’s what you’re best at.
Objectify me!
Like you always do,
Without even knowing me.
As you know me better than myself.
Objectify me!
From the tip of my nails,
To the length of my hair,
As every inch of it makes you uncomfortable.
Objectify me!
For everything I wear.
As a skirt makes me a slut,
But a salwar defines my modernism.
Objectify me!
For showing my legs,
But it’s a bigger drama,
If they aren’t waxed.
Objectify me!
For my outspokenness,
Or my choice of being quiet.
As you decide what suits me the best.
Objectify me!
I won’t mind.
I won’t stop you.
As you won’t change.
Objectify me!
Till you’re exhausted,
And out of reasons.
As one day I’ll be so high,
That your pointless criticisms will themselves die.