Sohom Mukherjee



Sohom Mukherjee


O My Beloved Master!

O My Beloved Master!

2 mins

When the whole earth left me alone

In the desolate desert of impotence and despair,

My Master! You are who stood beside me

And Taking my hands into Yours,

Carried me gradually to my ultimate destination.

As the root of a tree conceals itself persistently

From the eyes and ears of natural belongings

And performs all the essential duties for the tree,

You remain invisible among the world-wide crowd

And solve all the troubles that come to me.

Oh my, Beloved! You have given me the freedom

From the darkest grasp of dreadful delusion.

I want to stay alive with restless remembrance of Your virtues;

This affair gives me incredible and everlasting jubilation!

I have not any word in my pen to describe Your indescribable mercy!!

You are who h

ave deliberately destroyed all of my

Distress, ignorance, misfortune, and evil.

Simultaneously, You have manifested Yourself---

In the form of happiness, wisdom, prosperity, and love.

Your liberal grace is my only reliance in a toilsome journey of life.

You are my wealth, You are my religion,

My Lord! You are my everything.

You are who accompany me in joys and sufferings,

In successes and failures, in developments and degradations,

In smiles and tears and in expectations and despondences.

But, alas! I have no power to surpass nature’s constitution.

So, it’s my earnest prayer to You that wherever shall I born

Or wherever shall I be compelled to dwell,

I must not be far away from ruminating---

The heavenly experience of Your peerless love towards me.

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