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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

The_one_who feels Grace

Drama Others


The_one_who feels Grace

Drama Others

Not A Damsel In Distress Anymore

Not A Damsel In Distress Anymore

1 min

O Lord, what an exquisite creature you have made graciously..

Delicate to touch, mushiness as much..

But strength drips from her every core vivaciously.

They say she is weak, they say she is meek..

She is nothing but a subject to be objectified..

They hate her existence, seems her identity is a pretense,.

But fails to understand that without her, their subsistence would be nullified..

Red, the color of love, the color of seduction..

Also the color of lust, the color of vicious actions.

She is blended with these hues of flushes, throughout her life. ..

Still her level of endurance is questioned,

Could she be able to survive?

A mother, a sister, a wife, a daughter..

Are they mean just meagre words to them,

Cause they didn't think twice while snatching her virtue to slaughter.

She was never fragile that the world tended to portray her..

She was rather powerful to bleed every month,

Still possess the aura to be the only cure.

To them, she was a burden more of a life time liability..

By doing so they just probed the nature's creation,

Which gifted her with exclusive abilities.

She is an angel in disguise ..

A potion of wholesome that defines paradise..

They claim to become her knight in shining armor..

As they resist to accept she is not a damsel in distress anymore.

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