Goldi Mishra

Drama Romance Others


Goldi Mishra

Drama Romance Others

My half plate

My half plate

1 min

Sometimes it's like you are lost in finding a beautiful, calm and silent place,

Where you sit for hours and do nothing,

you just have your corner and your land. 

Even your own thoughts will not be there to make you feel bothered. 

Moments where you cry, laugh, smile, play and scream,

A place where you find who you are,

whom your soul belongs to be,

Your soul does not require a shower to be pure,

So a place where you don't require to be a fish in a shell,

A place where you welcome yourself with all your open arms,

Muddy way where you walk for many kilometres with bare feet,

That essence of wet mud that's all,

Numerous prayers which belongs to you,

A night with less stars,

A moon with more scars,

A place where road is all empty,

Walkways are there to hanging,

Where butterflies cheering the beginning,

Where preparations is going on for night visitors,

Where half bowl is enough to cherish,

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