Aarif Hussain



Aarif Hussain


My guardian

My guardian

1 min

Caught me up by the hand!

Took me to the untrodden pathways!

Made me stand on the firm land!

Showed me the real staircase!

Taught me real prudence!

Silence with sound senses!

And prove your worth with eminence!

How lucky your company made me feel!

Words with warm fragrance,

Movements with the light heels!

Ever encouraging advice with no grin!

A universal approach to the surroundings!

Showering tongue with blooming chin!

Open to everyone without bindings!

Kith and kin you always win!

Morals with Morales maiden Maestro,

Strive for well being of everyone around!

Bound with sound senses against the arrow,

Narrow knots knit to climb the mound!


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