Yash D Flawless

Classics Romance


Yash D Flawless

Classics Romance

Its Never A Good-Bye

Its Never A Good-Bye

1 min

There was a time before the shine,

When two people met by fly.

Known for it's talent, time played its Magic.

They, who didn't even tend knew each other, were to become some really good friends.

They were never apart, no distance seemed to be far to reach out,

No wall seemed to be too tall to climb it all up.

From time to time, as days passed by, they only become old;

But the bond of friendship remained forever young.

Never, did they knew that they had,

Such a drastic effect on each other.

Telepathy is a less-known,

Or rather say a less believed one, till you kind of experie

nce it,

"Apart they were,

But the hearts didn't lie,

Together they said,

You are Mine"

Time was so cruel,

It only made them cry.

Just when the tears were about to kiss his dear,

The Heart suddenly whispered,

"No matter the distance or the time,

Forever will be the only time,

He'll keep his life on the line,

Just for his love to have a Smile."

The words made an impact,

And a face flashed in her mind,

To make her realize it's nothing but true;

Slowly, the dreadly lonely eyes, turned into a wide and shinning Beautiful Smile.

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