Suresh Kulkarni



Suresh Kulkarni


It Would Go Away !

It Would Go Away !

1 min

Nothing is stable!

Whole galaxies vanish

Into black holes!

So do oscillate 

The stars and planets

Sun and the mother earth too!

Not only nature but 

Stocks and billions 

Endorse this too!

They move cyclically

In leaps and bounds!

History repeats!

Dynasties ruled and vanished

Number of incarnations 

Appeared and waned!

Waning and waxing moon

Has ties with tides high and low!

So is the pandemic 

It's not going to stay

It would go away

Only knowledge and intelligence

Is supreme 

Civilization has made progress

By its prowess 

So I request 

Keep the quest

Invent & discover!

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