Lorenzo Flynn

Abstract Drama Classics


Lorenzo Flynn

Abstract Drama Classics



1 min

Reality is no one will ever love me like I love myself and others. 

No one will ever care for me the way I would like to, and it's ok.

Because I came in this world alone and I'll exit the same.

Silence, as I feel.....



Alone, I feel.

I feel alone. 

No one can never fully understand me because most don't understand themselves..

Alone I travel.

Alone I move.

Alone I journey,

Alone I prove....

To me,

To God,

And anyone that truly loves me for me.

As I wiggle through to settle my Grove.

Why am I here,

Only time will tell.

Alone with myself,

So I know him well.

God picks me up when I can't by myself,

So I holdfast and sit like a valuable on a shelf.

Do you know me??

How well.

Do you know that I'm an innocent soul?

Do you know your false negative projections reflect thyself??? 

Because you feel,

Emotions aren't truth.

They are sure to change,

Like the world and yourself.


 Is in moving,

 Like God's beautiful mountains.

Setting the backdrop,

Living forever like youth of fountain.

I know it's backwards,

But so are most people's minds.

If you read it again and reverse,

I'm sure you'll get it in time.iso

Only time will tell this,

But most never get it still.

So I write these words so I can express what is real.

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