Ideal Lover

Ideal Lover

1 min

Being acquainted with failure a random thought crossed my mind

Knowing everything about it yet I know nothing at all, like person is it of what kind?

Failure possesses what type of personality?

What exactly is secretive failure’s identity?

Like I said I knew nothing at all…

And yet every time failure was there for me to fall.

First I thought that it was tortured artist seeing the world from a desperate view

No wonder the worth of failure can und

erstand only a few

Then I thought it is in fact an aspirant dreaming to reach the sky

You know one of those tough guys

Then I thought that failure might actually be a true friend

Walking by your side right till the end

Or may be failure is a nurturing mother

Or could be the strict coconut like father

But then it hit me, failure is actually a perfect lover

Giving success all the spotlight while it silently with a smile remains under-cover…

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