Kumar Archita

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Kumar Archita

Abstract Classics Inspirational

I am unapologetically myself

I am unapologetically myself

1 min

I am not insignificant

I wasn't born myself .

The universe has woven me within its womb.

 I found myself walking ,over the long uninhabited treacherous streets ,

I cried myself looking deep into the mirror.

I was deprived of what I care, what I want, what I admire for.

I am myself unashamed ,but its my time,

Stepping over the carribean seashore.

Down, down, down into the darkness of the lagoon,

Gently it goes - the argillaceous, the coarse-grained, the flaxen.

How happy I feel myself !

The invincible cool breeze slips down my slim hands, 

I msyelf provoked into the atmosphere ,

I laughed ,I played, I am running on the beaches .

I stumbled upon on the carefree rocks.

I mourned for the person who never invited to the afterparties on the poolsides.

 I was a driver myself to my own life, I fly opened arms ,

Me and they became unidentical,

Seagulls whispered in my ears,

Self love is the best love.

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