Haraish - The Sign Of Oneness
Haraish - The Sign Of Oneness

The two love birds have just begun their journey,
Unconditional love has brought them together as per the destiny,
Their symbol of pure love lies in between HARAISH,
When the HAR (meaning every) combines with AISH (enjoyment) it blossoms out into enjoyment every moment then and there,
It’s the sign of unity of being one,
Whose seeds were sown at the meet one,
Through these two months,
The connect & both between two was adorable one,
They use to irritate each other,
Yet the love between the two blossomed together,
They used to care,
In a way, no other can think & dare,
One’s sorrow,
Was another’s pain,
One’s happiness,
Was another’s gain,
I have seen this bond flourish right from the start
Blessed to see that yes nurturing the true love is an art,
With every passing day,
The love rose twofold,
Which has actually resulted into a gold,&
What’s one’s weakness is another strength,
They both have accepted each other bringing enlightenment,
My intuitions had started with what I saw at Golden Temple,
With complete peace both of you move whole parikrama together,
Expressing your love is such a big dare,
But Aish proposed with such a great care,
Such a level of confidence can only happen where is an absolute believe,
Because the special care you have received,
Harsh the way you had everyone special,
I have seen the video million times yet it always turns out to be very special and will always be special,
From holding her hand,
To keeping her loved,
From believing upon her,
To respecting her,
From supporting her,
To cuddling her,
It’s the sign of oneness of you two have,
For the whole world you too might be Harsh & Aishwarya,
But for me it will always be “HARAISH “ forever.