Go Green - That Is The Mantra

Go Green - That Is The Mantra

1 min

Global warming is a great global menace

Making its survival hostage

Whole mankind is gearing to address the same

Plants give life to planet

Cover and Food

Making it habitable

With flora and fauna

The Nature that keeps life flowing 

Last few centuries

In a race to step up the industrial pace 

We forgot the basics of life and living 

We broke the rhythm of 

Natural habitat and harmony

Horror of impending global warming

is chilling

Mankind has to act now or never

To build up a sustainable green cover

Let us each take a solemn pledge 

Plant Trees, and ensure the ones existing live well

And undo the great damage

Let us build protective gears 

From the onslaught of incoming Lava

To burn the land we know into flames

Go Green - that is the Mantra

for us to bring ecology back to the rhythm

To survive today, tomorrow and all the days thereafter

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