Ashwika Amit



Ashwika Amit


Funnily enough

Funnily enough

1 min

What if history is just lucid dreams?

and all the names we read are just characters from a movie scene,

What if all that done is yet to come?

all of us, to despair we succumb

What if we named the directions wrong?

east was west and south was north,

What if the night is the day and day is the night?

and humans are just dumb enough to not have a good eyesight,

What if, what we breathe is poison?

a constant loop of destruction in treason,

conflicts mean bloodshed conspiracy,

but elections are a public democracy?

humans kill, animals prey,

joined h

ands for peace we pray?

Twilight Saga and TVD,

“oh I wish, it were me” ?

We live to live, to die

some smile while some cry

Death to me is oblivion in disguise

I do things that people despise

Rebirth, Salvation, Afterlife

Have I not enough tried?

What’s said is said, and done’s done,

At the end of the day we lived as one,

Pathetic, Emotional, Dedicated fools,

Restricting lives, putting rules,

Why can’t we just let that be?

Kill a man, go on a spree

Run errands, climb a tree

Afterall, we’re all sheeps of the same barn, let free.

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