आ. वि. कामिरे



आ. वि. कामिरे


Forgive Me !!

Forgive Me !!

1 min

Hey, god please forgive me

I mistake today

I do not deserve 

To take a place poet

Cause I am a very bad person

That's why I am not saving her

She is pretty good 

But suddenly I recognize

She scared about human

& I act like a heartless man

I gave the hard stick

For kill her

& I ...I can't do anything 

I am still quite 

Suddenly I feel regret

But, I can nothing do anything 

I am still quite

But beautiful luck is on

She never killed by anybody's hand

And I am part of the wrong

With became evildoer

Please God, forgive me

For my crime

For my crime

Please forgive me..!!!

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