Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Romance Inspirational Others


Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Romance Inspirational Others

Forget Not

Forget Not

1 min

Forget not that I know you

Earth delights your bare feet 

As the green fields and

 Oceans interest you 

Winds long to play with your hair

Excited about the skies

The clouds that you see

I long to touch your face 

And see your sensual smile

To kiss your lips 

The to enjoy your wicked

 Passionate look in time

That moment when nothing

 Else matters 

But for us in a very desirable 



No words can explain

Yes I know you long to 

Touch the seashore 

Your bare feet are all wet

Sand so soft and gentle 

As it touches your feet

The rain falling on you

Touching you gently 

Longing to kiss you

As I hold you close

To keep you warm 

Kissing in the rain 

Oh how we long for 

Those days

As we dance till late at night

As we close our eyes to sleep.

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