Fight Until You Win
Fight Until You Win

"Rise up with the fighting spirit,
Destroy all your weaknesses and build up firm self-belief.
Cleanse your self to feel fresh and relief,
Gargle with warm salt water and follow meditation regimen.
Drink ginger honey tea and boost up your immunity,
Add black pepper, garlic, and spices to your hot served meals.
Have a glass of lukewarm water to get rid of thirsty feel,
And take Vicks vapor steam to clear your airway refill.
Wash your hands after every 30 minu
And, use sanitizer to kill all your enemies.
Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing,
Better use a mask and follow social distancing.
Do not forget to drink milk with turmeric,
Because it's anti-bacterial properties will save you from sufferings.
And, finally, it's the time to sleep,
So, thank God for everything and wish for the pleasant morning.
As days pass by, this hard time will also definitely fly,
So, just be patient and follow this quarantine."