Hanishree Vichare

Abstract Drama Classics


Hanishree Vichare

Abstract Drama Classics



2 mins

Nothing out of me beyond what I have told you...

Then what's more is there to tell that you could understand?

Besides, I cannot bear to be hurt, and if you hurt me I will say anything you like to stop the pain...

Mere pleasure of it, isn't it?

Let there be an end of this,

I fear you will soon be only too terribly avenged...

Wasting time on trifles,

It is impossible for me to say anything else;

When have I ever denied it?

I have nothing wrong,

I cannot understand,

But those who cannot understand are damned...?

Wonderin' the blizzard...

My voices have deceived me,

My faith is broken,

Purple with fury bethink you a moment...

It may be true, if it were no

t true;

To make me breathe foul damp darkness, keep from me everything that brings me back...

And there is not a moment to lose,

Cuz it is the ignorant who suffer...

I might have done it, but I did not;

And the scores always make me fall,

I do not believe that the heavens were ever empty...

The silence is broken by someone frantically howling and sobbing;

Blubbering miserably;

I meant no harm,

I did not know what it would be like, 

And it is so easy to talk when you don't know;

But when it is brought home to you, 

When you see the things you have done, when it is blinding your eyes, stifling your nostrils, tearing your heart then, we're in hell for evermore...

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