sunil saxena

Drama Romance


sunil saxena

Drama Romance

Denesie, Beautiful Denesie

Denesie, Beautiful Denesie

3 mins

Denesie, Lovely Denesie


You think you know everything Denesie

You think you can see all

You think you are always right

But I think you are phattu

You are hardly ever right

You are always pretending to be angry with me

But you know I am the pretender

With you lovely brown eyes looking at me

Watching me always from the eyes of your heart

So I don’t get hurt

Watching every word I write

Reading every word I write

Keeping every word I write in your own personal diary

Keeping it your little secret from me

You read my mind better than the most

Waiting for me to make you the number one in my heart

Waiting to just make me your own

Waiting to claim me for yourself

Just waiting, waiting for so long

Your heartaches

Your eyes turn moist with tears

Waiting to have me in your bear hug love embrace

Waiting to kiss me with your lips

But my Denesie my Denesie my phattu

When you will finally have me

Where you want me to be in your arms

What will you do with me

I can see that look in your eyes

The look of love saying I won’t leave you

For making you wait so long for giving you the heart ache

But Denesie, Denesie my Deneiseee

What if I make you run around in circles

Trying to chase me like a baby

Making you dizzy running in circles

What will you do with me

I am the heart of stone

I am the pretender

I am the deceiver

What if I say I love only you and you alone

You know I am the liar

What if you ask me to how many girls have I said this before you

You alone my Denesie you alone

You will know for sure I am the liar

Then what will I do my Denesie

To win back your true love for me

But I am the pretender

I am deceiver

I will run away to be in the arms of other girls

The moment you turn your back towards me

But you can’t see all my cheating

But you know I am the cheater


I will come back to you with the red lipstick color on my shirt collar

With the smear of red lipstick on my cheeks

With the hair of other girls on my coat

With the hair of other girls on my shirt

With the hair of other girls in my hair

Then what will you do with me

My Denesie my Denesie what will you do with me then

You will kick me and throw me out

Or will you forgive me

My Denisie my Denesie what will you do with me then

When I will say I am soo soorrry

When I will say I L’oove you

I love with all my heart

And lie to you that a girl fell on me while trying to cross the road

And I helped her on her feet and so she kissed me

And her lovely long hair got stuck in the electric pole while the crossing red light

And I helped her to untangle her hair

But you won’t know that love is spelled, love and not the way I say it L’oove , luv

And sorry is not the way I say sorry

How will you know my lying heart

How will your tender heart know the true me

Your tender soul knows the true me

And you think you see me all the time and you know everything

I will just flatter you, butter you

To hide behind your back

When other girls come looking for me

O’Denesie how unfaithful I am to you

Denesie my Denesie

You will let me in your heart again

The deceiver

The cheater

The pretender

The liar of liars

The heart of stone

My Deneisee my gentle lovely Deneisee how vain you are

How simply I fool your tender soul

With not a thought to your kind heart

Only rejoicing the feel of your lovely soft lips on mine

Only rejoicing the look of your beautiful eyes

Only dreaming of your lovely beautiful soul when I am alone

Beware of me, my Denesie, beware of me

I am the liar

I am the pretender

I am the deceiver

I have a heart of stone

My Denesie

Lovely Denesie

Lovely lovely Denesie

Only Denesie lovely Denesie

Lovely Denesie

Lovely Denesie…

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