Darren Scanlon



Darren Scanlon


Dark Panacea

Dark Panacea

1 min

A crowded room 

Is such a lonely place,

Wear a fragile mask 

Upon a weary face.

Everybody’s here 

But there’s nobody there

And there’s nothing to do 

Except sit and stare.

The distant sounds 

Of joy and laughter

Drifting like echoes 

In dusty rafters.

As you slowly subside, 

Sinking way down low

And you're silently wondering 

How far you can go.

Your eyelids are heavy, 

They’re beginning to close

But nobody sees you 

So nobody knows.

They’re intent on their own 

Monotonous ways

As they chase their tails 

For oblivious days.

Darkness is waiting 

To numb your pain,

Wrapping you in arms,

Welcome back again.

Engulfing and total, 

A cushion of peace

Where stress and strains

Just simply cease.

Hello, my dark friend,

I ask you once more

To come to fill my soul,

My mind and my core.

Let nothing but the peace 

Of Panacea slip past,

Hold me until time 

Takes the pieces at last.

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