Clouds Eclipse The Moon
Clouds Eclipse The Moon

My struggles
Wearing on my tired body
I lay down in the liquid coolness
The moon's pull slowly
Forcing the wetness
To creep higher
Up to my body
As if the cosmos
Wished me to join
The heavens
Tired and weak
But my mind won't allow
It to drag me under
Rising from nature's tears
As droplets fall
From my body
The sound of the waves'
Echoes in my ears
My footsteps difficult
In this thick fluid
As if I'm in a battle
With the moon
The tides grow higher making
My struggles harder
The shore calls to me,
Beckoning me
I glance to the night skies
As the silvery moon's rays
Smile down upon me
Teasing me to try again
When clouds eclipse
The moon's smiling face
Releasing me from the
Confines of this wet grave
Not even the cosmos
Will best me
My struggles
Have only made
Me stronger
Reaching the sands
I see even at my weakest
I can overcome