sunil saxena



sunil saxena


Chasing Me For 30 Years

Chasing Me For 30 Years

2 mins

Dreaming of me since you could take your first steps

Chasing me since you were six seven

Never catching me never holding on to me

Always trying to remind me of you

Thinking I am asleep

Sending your little messages in your soft voices

I would blow away your messages in the waves of the wind

My heart of stone only getting wet like morning dew with your tears

I fear your tears

Your tears abusing me emotionally

The tender purity of your tears make me look into my soul, into my heart

But I only see my heart of stone

I want to stay away from you

For what needs to be done needs to be done

Your tears will melt me

And will draw me closer to you

And will make me forget my promise to you

And I will make oceans red in the blood of those who don’t belong to me

I can feel the wetness of your tears in your eyes

Not a drop of blood will fall and yet the deed would be done

Your tears will melt me

Your tears make me look into my soul, into my heart

And I only find my heart of stone there

Chasing me for 30 years

You never get tired

Roaming the world with memories of me only in your dreams

The image that you have of me in your dreams is on

ly your illusion

I am different in these times, these are not my times

Chasing an illusion of me for 30 years

You just read my mind like an open book

I only dictate my words to you in your mind

And you write them all

Much before I put them in black and white for you

Just to reassure you I am there even after 30 years of you chasing me

You curse me, my heart of stone

But I remain unmoved

For you are just chasing an illusion of me for 30 years in these times

An illusion that can give you no happiness

An illusion that can give you no love

An illusion that can not be passionate

An illusion that is just a whiff of the heated sand in the desert

A heart of stone that will not admit that he cares for you

I see you chasing me for 30 years

But still, I remain oblivious

For the time is not right, I am living a different life

Living in oblivion I can offer you nothing in these times

I only have a heart of stone

I see you before me

With your lovely feet dirty

Your clothes fading in the blazing sun

Standing before me simply, just looking at me

Your charming smile fading from tiredness

Chasing me for 30 years

Chasing me for 30 years.

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