Rathna Nagaraj



Rathna Nagaraj




1 min

A family with parents

Will have children

Identified as brothers and sisters

They have love and affection

Towards each other

As they grow

They get married

To other families brother & sister

Their love and longing to see

Each other grows more and more

As their family develops

Their children siblings will marry

To one another

Once again brother and sister

Come closer to each other

In a family, there will

Be first second and

Third cousins with feelings of

Affection and Identifications.

 In the outside world

The unknown dealer

Or a fellow colleague

Will also address one another

As brother and sister

Giving room for concern

A politician or a renowned

The public person in their speech

Address the public in general

As Brothers and sisters

A brother and sister

Bonding has its own

Meaning in a different circle

Long live brotherhood

And sisterhood

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